Let us offer to God flowers, incense and prayers.
Peace, Joy, Holiness, Happiness,
I ask of God for you.
handpainted with mother of pearl
Nest of the Turtledove
Image of the Heart of Jesus,
spouse and faithful friend of our souls.
There in recollection and solitude in the Heart of Jesus
I lose myself.
hand painted

The Prayer of Quiet
The soul alone with God
My Divine Master, whether it be that I run
or that I stop myself, I'm all yours, and you are all to me. O Divine Heart of Jesus,
your memory is my delight, I hunger, I thirst for your love.
Pannier, Pl. 115
There, recollected and alone, 
in the Heart of Jesus I lose myself.

To detach myself from creatures
to look for God,
I rest in God himself...
This is the whole interior life.
Leaving everything,
I found Everything!
Letaille, Paris
Through you, O Mary, I offer to God my heart and my thoughts.
Bouasse Lebel
To be remembered in your prayers would give me happiness.
Morning and evening prayer
dispose our heart to the action
of Grace.